Friday, November 28, 2014

Of Thanksgiving including the giblets ....

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Yes I make my gravy w/ the giblets of course, yum yum  and today we have leftovers. So pow! Bam! what a week it has been, made sure to come to the office and write my blog , because yes I am loyal. So things that have really impacted me this week, dont even get me started with Ferguson , so sad.
On a much lighter note , my Queen Bea had a new video out 7/11 and everyone was buzzing about it, I did watch the video , did not understand or liked the song. But OMG when my boy friends Mitch & Scott from Superfruit made a You Tube video about this I was hooked!
And yes I probably watched it a gazillion times ( The Superfruit edition that is). Also , have done some deep PBS The West documentary watching from my man - Director Ken Burns, woah you must watch chapter 2 . The West is not a tiny docu of 2 hours , these are chapters that you have to watch , and yes with attentiveness . I just love the music Ken uses , the snippets of comments, the narration, ok everything. A story that really hit me was regarding a woman that wanted to convert the Cayuse indians to Christianity, I did more research and her name was Narcissa Whitman, of course I went to Amazon and have her journals from 1836-1847 on my wish list. She suffered a tragic death, so sad, but so brave. She started the Whitman mission along the Oregon trail, she was tragically massacred with others in 1847. The thing is that she had a baby daughter that drowned at the age of 2, years later she adopted 7 children from a family that was trying to reach Oregon . The parents of the 7 children had both perished and never made it . So Narcissa offered to adopt them. Unfortunately 3 children also died during the massacre.
Ok here is an excerpt from Amazon:" Narcissa took in many children in need of a home, including the seven Sager children made famous by the film "Seven Alone" (of course now I have to look this up  on Netflix). In 1847 Marcus (her husband) and Narcissa and several men & boys at the mission were massacred by a group of Indians who blamed them for a measles epidemic that took many lives. "
See? this is what I mean about Ken Burns , he goes deep with these stories and he intertwines them. So thats what I was up to these past days , I highly recommend any and all Americans or ppl of this great country to watch "The West" oh and btw yes it is on Netflix and it has a total of 9 episodes each one and hour and 1/2 . Omg, I cannot leave here without also recommending you guys read Unbroken before the premiere of the movie on X-mas day, yes I will be there. And also of American Sniper, I just bought the book "in Memorium" edition. Cool, cool, and also I think Bradley Cooper is playing the sniper dude Chris Kyle~~swoon. Insert emoji w/ cat face and heart eyes here.
Till next week my beloved friends xo

In memory of Marcus & Narcissa

Friday, November 21, 2014

Chronicles of a Super Woman- for realz

<<<------- Yep, this is me to the left , to the left....
I always tell you that my weeks are bonkers, but I really think this one topped it all, or maybe it just seems that way as we approach the Holidays.
Now this year I took a deep breath, and was going to embrace all Holidays , jingles and all. But it can't be all Zen when you are downloading stuffing recipes while at work from and your mother starts asking you about the Turkey one week prior. Sigh.
But lets rewind and start from Saturday, and yes my gym mat was shattered after attempting burpees and withholding barf. Ah yes my friends did you think that this class was going to be vomit free. Nope, even the trainer asked each one of us if we wanted to puke. Ok enough of that. Fast forward to yesterday, my Interview day!!
Yes was actually interviewed by the sweetest reporter on earth, and she was focused on my "roots" . You see my twitter handle does start with Latina, so yes I was born in Latin America specifically Argentina. And it was bitter -sweet talking about yes gulp my country. I guess its all that resentment towards my parents for uprooting us and taking us there at the tender age of 10 years old, with my spanglish... you want to talk about being bullied. Try saying Viernes without pronouncing the R. There is so much to explore in my country, after all true fact its so big you can fit 15 European countries in it!! From the dessert north to the bitter cold south, we have it all, jungles, pampas, and snowy mountain peeks.Next topic...
The craziest YouTube video is yet to come , stay tune to my "Comeback" video, I really cant make this one up and I wont , I promise to upload it pronto!
Remember , we are marching forward w/ my Typing for Tanji project.!!
Until next time amigos.....#tgif

Friday, November 14, 2014

Ready , Set , IndieGOGO!!!

So this week was bizarre, jaw-dropping- exhausting.... but here I am ! 
No, I am not going to ramble about full frontal nudes, Piers Morgan defenders(maybe he wants to hit that) and #Rokerthons....but I will say I am a converted Swifter, no not the mopping kind , the Taylor Swift kind!
I figured well we just have a tiny 20 year difference no biggy ;) I am obsessed w/ her video and downloaded in true fashion the Amex #blankspacevideo experience app. Did you get that? Well you  have to be a teen like me to understand. Ha
Today , I will direct , yes direct since I cant film myself. What am I directing? My first You Tube video that will back up my IndieGoGo campaign, cause yes they strongly suggest a video w/ this.
And in true improve form, I am attempting this today.... because I'm under pressure!!!
You see, I have a reporter coming over to my house, and I want to mention the Campaign in her article. This is meant to be, the signs are all over surrounding me. Whenever you have that feeling or doubt that you should do something, don't let fear stop you , ever.
So, I have to coach one of my employees on this You Tube filming, don't even ask me about editing. The whole thing will be one hot mess, with sound effects to boot. And a special appearance of my cat Trix! Look out Grumpy Cat!
I will keep you guys updated, my "interview" is next Thursday with the reporter, but I will be uploading my campaign by Monday, wish me luck, lets do this!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Of other bloggers ...& running from crazy?

So anyway, here we are #TGIF !! wowza, what a crazy week...MMMMkay, here we go...

  • Adventures in Netflix, I-Tunes & now HBO GO... so over the weekend I went on a "streaming binge" ,yes on my I-phone. Mind you I have still the 5S, which doesn't mean I have the luxury of watching movies on a larger screen, but I don't mind actually. So yes in binge attempt , I downloaded 4 yes 4 back to back movies from I-Tunes. The first one "Child of God" -Holy Batman, you have to watch it to believe and see the crazy w/ your own eyes. Then on a "lighter note" I moved on to my next movie...still in the lines of mental illness.. "Running from Crazy" , executive produced by Ms. O (Oprah Winfrey herself) I shrugged and said how bad could this be? Right ? Wrong! I tried to side with miss Mariel Hemingway, but at the end of the docu, she came across as a Condescending brat , that likes to do four wheeling in a Mini-Cooper, no that is not a typo folks, the lady & her bf are bat-shit crazy. Dont believe me? well watch it yourself. OMG- why oh why did I discover HBO GO, how , when ,what and why did this happen first watch was the mini-series Olive Kitteridge. And what a coinkidinck that a few nights before and after or almost 20 years it was my first time watching Fargo, I thought Frances McDormand was flawless in that , which leads me to the Olive Kitteridge series , Thank God I watched Fargo, there would have been no way I would have slightly been interested in O. Kitteridge if it wasnt for the fine acting of Ms. McDormand. Absolute perfection.

  • Of new and interesting bloggers...  well of course when something interests me I have a tendency of doing detective work, so after the craziest Monday on record, I happen to stumble upon a live google chat with none other than Ms. Luvvie , thats @luvvie for you tweeps and her talk regarding her Blog *which she has been doing for the past 11 years!!!*** no that is not a typo , and she was just spilling herself on this chat, very interesting I thought. You can read her fab blogs here>  This woman was an inspiration to me, so of course I started digging more and there is a Blog convention coming to NYC in 2015. But of course it has to fall on the same week that I am planning on taking the family to Vegas *insert crying emoji here*
Oh just a side note>> on my first blog post I had mentioned Ms. Tanji Dewberry, she did not pass away aprox. a year ago , she passed this past April, but since I have been thinking about her and her young son and their legacy, it seems in my mind that it was a year. Not to mention , my son coming up to me : Mom just do this already!!!  Ok , Ok, no more excuses, procrastinations, and the sort.
My adventure in the realm of "IndieGogo" starts this week , and no its not a color.