Friday, November 21, 2014

Chronicles of a Super Woman- for realz

<<<------- Yep, this is me to the left , to the left....
I always tell you that my weeks are bonkers, but I really think this one topped it all, or maybe it just seems that way as we approach the Holidays.
Now this year I took a deep breath, and was going to embrace all Holidays , jingles and all. But it can't be all Zen when you are downloading stuffing recipes while at work from and your mother starts asking you about the Turkey one week prior. Sigh.
But lets rewind and start from Saturday, and yes my gym mat was shattered after attempting burpees and withholding barf. Ah yes my friends did you think that this class was going to be vomit free. Nope, even the trainer asked each one of us if we wanted to puke. Ok enough of that. Fast forward to yesterday, my Interview day!!
Yes was actually interviewed by the sweetest reporter on earth, and she was focused on my "roots" . You see my twitter handle does start with Latina, so yes I was born in Latin America specifically Argentina. And it was bitter -sweet talking about yes gulp my country. I guess its all that resentment towards my parents for uprooting us and taking us there at the tender age of 10 years old, with my spanglish... you want to talk about being bullied. Try saying Viernes without pronouncing the R. There is so much to explore in my country, after all true fact its so big you can fit 15 European countries in it!! From the dessert north to the bitter cold south, we have it all, jungles, pampas, and snowy mountain peeks.Next topic...
The craziest YouTube video is yet to come , stay tune to my "Comeback" video, I really cant make this one up and I wont , I promise to upload it pronto!
Remember , we are marching forward w/ my Typing for Tanji project.!!
Until next time amigos.....#tgif

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