Friday, October 9, 2015


So here we are , I have barely made it. Keep in mind, that when my title says social Media I am only referring to Periscope and Twitter. I do not post on Instagram/ FB /Snapchat/ Tumblr /Vine/ You Tube and the list can go on.
That said it has been a challenging week to say the least. I have tried to keep busy trust me , even went to NYC twice in the same week had a blast. Oh "live in the moment" they say, "be present" all this is very Zen bullshit but I wouldn't wish my week of misery to NO ONE. So let me dissect day per day , I lived through it so you don't have to:
DAY ONE: FRIDAY OCT 2: and it begins, yay wrote my blog! so excited to not be on the Scope (Periscope) and Twitter.
DAY TWO:SATURDAY: OCT 3 : something is off, way off, but I suck it up, maybe its a temporary feeling or maybe I just had too much coffee. I start twitching , heart thumping, and I'm not working out.
DAY THREE: SUNDAY OCT 4: NYC BOUND!! yay , this can't be bad, except for the fact that I want to Periscope every single moment and tweet about conversations overheard on the Sub-way , have an excellent bonding day with my new Bff +Vicki  who I met over on Periscope.
DAY FOUR-MONDAY OCT 5: I really feel like Carrie in Homeland specifically when she has hallucinations see Homeland Season 4 episode 7 specifically to understand my symptoms.
DAY FIVE-TUESDAY OCT 6: I randomly start tapping my screen reading a Kindle book. Yes I did manage to read the entire latest book by +Bethenny & no I do not agree with her that breaking up with someone is like a cleanse : you feel shitty the first 2 days by the 3rd its smooth sailing. Nope not here . Not ever.
DAY SIX: WED.OCT 7: At this point, if I walk into a room where CNN is on , I immediately exit said room. Of course this leaves the rest of my family puzzled as to why I have a sudden repulsive feeling when the news is on. Since Twitter provides me all the news I need. I refrained from watching or reading any news. This my friends was is the hardest day of my Twitter history: the fact of being unable to "live tweet" the latest episode of Empire. Watched the entire episode in a fetal position.
DAY 7: THURSDAY OCT 8: anxiously  waiting for the World to stop so I can get off.  Did the Math since I started tweeting: everyday since Oct of 2009 with my anniversary in Oct 2015 that would put my total of tweeting non-stop including vacations to:2,190 days minus these past 7 days and that is a whopping 2,183 days of tweets which do not include the interaction of RT, DM and posting. This is just me sending and writing tweets daily.
DAY 8 TODAY!!!! Take a deep breath , suddenly I feel calm , like a sense of relief that I will join my tribe again. That this self-imposed social media break was living in Hell. And no I never took illegal drugs, but now I can talk to all former substance abusers and tell them for a fact looking them in the eye: I understand EXACTLY what you are going through.
So guys, don't get off the Social Media Wagon, don't . You can perhaps tweet less, don't Periscope single moment. But do share. Because sharing is Caring. and I care about you guys and my own Sanity.
xo @latinabug_nj

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