Friday, December 26, 2014


 HO-HO- HO !! So I present to you a "Bone Fragment" from the Bumble Bee Chunk White Albacore that my 85 year Old mom almost swallowed while alone. Now I know that the can states "may contain bone fragments" but give me a break! Of course , now that I am a writer ehem, I typed up a letter to Consumer Affairs for Bumble Bee, and I enclosed both Exhibits...will keep you guys update on their answer if there is any...
Ok so that takes care of the Bones portion of my Blog lets move on to another topic that Moms, Men & Menopause Women are concerned about: feeling guilty about Binge watching shows on Netflix. What I noticed yesterday , yes on Chritmas day were tweets about ppl being concerned that they were getting carried away watching over and over episodes. Let me tell you my dear audience WELCOME TO THE 21ST CENTURY. I am guilty but I dont feel guilty that I do this. My case over this Holiday was Binge watch the HBO SHOW GIRLS. At first I found it amusing and cute that these girls/ guys were all sleeping with each other in hipster side of NY -Brooklyn to be exact. Now mind you I love binge watching on my I-phone and I feel completely comfortable doing so in my tiny 5S screen, while my mother, cat & son watch me mesmerized. LOL
So yes, I kept watching , my last episode was Season 2 - Episode 5 and STOP , DO WE REALLY NEED TO SEE LENA DUNHAM (HANNAH) with her top off showing her breasts while playing ping-pong?? Really? Now I can finally understand why ppl have this passive -aggressive relationship with her and her character. To be honest to me she looks like the female version of the actor Paul Giamatti- Yes Pig Vomit in the Howard Stern movie. This show is just a rip off of Sex & the City -yes they proudly display a poster of said show in one of the episodes. And yes they are both from HBO. Speaking of HBO, the show that you have to watch and play close attention to is THE COMEBACK w/ Lisa Kudrow, now thats a show you need to pay close attention to, because even if I watch the same episode over and over again I always find something new and with a twist. The acting is superb , the writing is amazeballs . SHOUT OUT TO MICHAEL PATRICK KING !!! You my dear are a King or ummm maybe Queen. Bow down B!tches.


Friday, December 12, 2014

....tis the season to be jolly ?!!!

Ok oK, so it shouldnt be that bad, breathe!! Or just take a sip of your spiced apple cider or egg nog-wink.
After a few days of waking up w/ physical stress pain, I said no more, this ends today. This is the season to be jolly , yep , so lets do this!
Monday: started with a bang, a networking bang, in Englewood Cliffs, swanky. And met a couple of younger networkers. Hope we keep in touch. Ha
Ummm no I mean it , I am a loyal viewer of the Profit and most of my tweeps know that my new Twitter crush is none other than Marcus -swoon!
But there is room for more crushes -wink wink.
Fast Forward to Thursday, I attended at Montclair University the very first Solve for X by Google presented by GDG NORTH JERSEY. Whats your X? Well you have to present this as what Google calls it "moonshot", meaning you idea to save the World! (ummm no I mean it)
SO after a blistering cold nite, I finally got to my car, kind of wondering how this whole picture is not clear. Meaning whats Googles roll in all this? It was interesting but not clear. I also didnt forget my promise to start my typing For Tanji project. I am comitted to do this......soon?
Yes, soon! At least after the crazy Holiday season ends. And drum roll, I joined Instagram, and yuck ! Totally not an Instagram person at all, maybe because I am just not into FB either. I lol'd this a.m when I read this am>> Twitter founder snaps: "I frankly dont give a shit if Instagram has more people looking at pretty pictures" LMAO I couldnt agree more.
So my advice stick to the social media you love best ! And please dont forget to be Jolly !

Friday, December 5, 2014


Ok, so lots of interesting things going on happening, other than the obvious ummmm hashtag NYC and you know what I am referring to unless of course you live under a rock. So speaking of NYC , and yes that same day, the X-mas Tree lighting ceremony was on NBC, I watched Tony Bennett & Gaga duet, check (more about that later) , watched PENTATONIX,opening the ceremony check, and oh yeah then there was Mariah....sigh
Now I was one of the bashers , that had my ears pierced and was shaking my head during here appearance. I am a looooong time fan of hers, I've bought the Remix CD twice ,cause yes I played it so much it scratched and Yes this was before I-tunes. But today I listened to my new tweep @TriniTrent you may want to visit his website and yes I was laughing like crazy and yes I RT'd him and yes I followed him and Yes he has a point. Before we start all judging and laughing and cracking jokes about Mariah, he is right , lets not have her become a Whitney , or an Amy Whinehouse, lets protect and get help for Mariah now. Yep, LEAVE MARIAH ALONE!! at first I was like what are these You-Tubers talking about, but then I reflected, we are quick to judgement these days. And yes she needs a break, she may be a Diva ,ok ok, but she is and always has been excellent singer. Also , All I want for X-mas is You has been the only song that is truly a X-mas Classic Hit to me and always will be.
So, that said, let me head over to Gaga, I listened to her interview w/ Howard Stern. Quite interesting, and just when I was going to dismiss her album w/ Tony OMG she sang live Lush Life and I truly had to listen to the song a total of 6 times, watched it on YouTube 10 times, and the vocals, the range! Let me tell you that is a truly truly difficult song. And I was amazed that the writer of the song was only 19 when he composed it! and she found out after he died that he was gay. But guys listen to that song. It will move your soul, if you have one.

Gosh (In Napolean Dynamite voice) this week was cray-cray. I started out as depressed as my bank account , but all of a sudden I am embracing the Holiday Spirit!!! yay, this year my Company is not printing no calendars or corny cards, this year we are going door to door and give my customers the special touch they deserve! That's right , I love my customers, and even though we lost a huge one this year (due to a stupid bidding process) we are blessed to have the ones we have. Thank you , thank you! You know who you are ! See you next Friday, or you can follow me daily on the Twitter (aghhh hate when ppl call it that)
Me listening to Mariah

Friday, November 28, 2014

Of Thanksgiving including the giblets ....

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Yes I make my gravy w/ the giblets of course, yum yum  and today we have leftovers. So pow! Bam! what a week it has been, made sure to come to the office and write my blog , because yes I am loyal. So things that have really impacted me this week, dont even get me started with Ferguson , so sad.
On a much lighter note , my Queen Bea had a new video out 7/11 and everyone was buzzing about it, I did watch the video , did not understand or liked the song. But OMG when my boy friends Mitch & Scott from Superfruit made a You Tube video about this I was hooked!
And yes I probably watched it a gazillion times ( The Superfruit edition that is). Also , have done some deep PBS The West documentary watching from my man - Director Ken Burns, woah you must watch chapter 2 . The West is not a tiny docu of 2 hours , these are chapters that you have to watch , and yes with attentiveness . I just love the music Ken uses , the snippets of comments, the narration, ok everything. A story that really hit me was regarding a woman that wanted to convert the Cayuse indians to Christianity, I did more research and her name was Narcissa Whitman, of course I went to Amazon and have her journals from 1836-1847 on my wish list. She suffered a tragic death, so sad, but so brave. She started the Whitman mission along the Oregon trail, she was tragically massacred with others in 1847. The thing is that she had a baby daughter that drowned at the age of 2, years later she adopted 7 children from a family that was trying to reach Oregon . The parents of the 7 children had both perished and never made it . So Narcissa offered to adopt them. Unfortunately 3 children also died during the massacre.
Ok here is an excerpt from Amazon:" Narcissa took in many children in need of a home, including the seven Sager children made famous by the film "Seven Alone" (of course now I have to look this up  on Netflix). In 1847 Marcus (her husband) and Narcissa and several men & boys at the mission were massacred by a group of Indians who blamed them for a measles epidemic that took many lives. "
See? this is what I mean about Ken Burns , he goes deep with these stories and he intertwines them. So thats what I was up to these past days , I highly recommend any and all Americans or ppl of this great country to watch "The West" oh and btw yes it is on Netflix and it has a total of 9 episodes each one and hour and 1/2 . Omg, I cannot leave here without also recommending you guys read Unbroken before the premiere of the movie on X-mas day, yes I will be there. And also of American Sniper, I just bought the book "in Memorium" edition. Cool, cool, and also I think Bradley Cooper is playing the sniper dude Chris Kyle~~swoon. Insert emoji w/ cat face and heart eyes here.
Till next week my beloved friends xo

In memory of Marcus & Narcissa

Friday, November 21, 2014

Chronicles of a Super Woman- for realz

<<<------- Yep, this is me to the left , to the left....
I always tell you that my weeks are bonkers, but I really think this one topped it all, or maybe it just seems that way as we approach the Holidays.
Now this year I took a deep breath, and was going to embrace all Holidays , jingles and all. But it can't be all Zen when you are downloading stuffing recipes while at work from and your mother starts asking you about the Turkey one week prior. Sigh.
But lets rewind and start from Saturday, and yes my gym mat was shattered after attempting burpees and withholding barf. Ah yes my friends did you think that this class was going to be vomit free. Nope, even the trainer asked each one of us if we wanted to puke. Ok enough of that. Fast forward to yesterday, my Interview day!!
Yes was actually interviewed by the sweetest reporter on earth, and she was focused on my "roots" . You see my twitter handle does start with Latina, so yes I was born in Latin America specifically Argentina. And it was bitter -sweet talking about yes gulp my country. I guess its all that resentment towards my parents for uprooting us and taking us there at the tender age of 10 years old, with my spanglish... you want to talk about being bullied. Try saying Viernes without pronouncing the R. There is so much to explore in my country, after all true fact its so big you can fit 15 European countries in it!! From the dessert north to the bitter cold south, we have it all, jungles, pampas, and snowy mountain peeks.Next topic...
The craziest YouTube video is yet to come , stay tune to my "Comeback" video, I really cant make this one up and I wont , I promise to upload it pronto!
Remember , we are marching forward w/ my Typing for Tanji project.!!
Until next time amigos.....#tgif

Friday, November 14, 2014

Ready , Set , IndieGOGO!!!

So this week was bizarre, jaw-dropping- exhausting.... but here I am ! 
No, I am not going to ramble about full frontal nudes, Piers Morgan defenders(maybe he wants to hit that) and #Rokerthons....but I will say I am a converted Swifter, no not the mopping kind , the Taylor Swift kind!
I figured well we just have a tiny 20 year difference no biggy ;) I am obsessed w/ her video and downloaded in true fashion the Amex #blankspacevideo experience app. Did you get that? Well you  have to be a teen like me to understand. Ha
Today , I will direct , yes direct since I cant film myself. What am I directing? My first You Tube video that will back up my IndieGoGo campaign, cause yes they strongly suggest a video w/ this.
And in true improve form, I am attempting this today.... because I'm under pressure!!!
You see, I have a reporter coming over to my house, and I want to mention the Campaign in her article. This is meant to be, the signs are all over surrounding me. Whenever you have that feeling or doubt that you should do something, don't let fear stop you , ever.
So, I have to coach one of my employees on this You Tube filming, don't even ask me about editing. The whole thing will be one hot mess, with sound effects to boot. And a special appearance of my cat Trix! Look out Grumpy Cat!
I will keep you guys updated, my "interview" is next Thursday with the reporter, but I will be uploading my campaign by Monday, wish me luck, lets do this!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Of other bloggers ...& running from crazy?

So anyway, here we are #TGIF !! wowza, what a crazy week...MMMMkay, here we go...

  • Adventures in Netflix, I-Tunes & now HBO GO... so over the weekend I went on a "streaming binge" ,yes on my I-phone. Mind you I have still the 5S, which doesn't mean I have the luxury of watching movies on a larger screen, but I don't mind actually. So yes in binge attempt , I downloaded 4 yes 4 back to back movies from I-Tunes. The first one "Child of God" -Holy Batman, you have to watch it to believe and see the crazy w/ your own eyes. Then on a "lighter note" I moved on to my next movie...still in the lines of mental illness.. "Running from Crazy" , executive produced by Ms. O (Oprah Winfrey herself) I shrugged and said how bad could this be? Right ? Wrong! I tried to side with miss Mariel Hemingway, but at the end of the docu, she came across as a Condescending brat , that likes to do four wheeling in a Mini-Cooper, no that is not a typo folks, the lady & her bf are bat-shit crazy. Dont believe me? well watch it yourself. OMG- why oh why did I discover HBO GO, how , when ,what and why did this happen first watch was the mini-series Olive Kitteridge. And what a coinkidinck that a few nights before and after or almost 20 years it was my first time watching Fargo, I thought Frances McDormand was flawless in that , which leads me to the Olive Kitteridge series , Thank God I watched Fargo, there would have been no way I would have slightly been interested in O. Kitteridge if it wasnt for the fine acting of Ms. McDormand. Absolute perfection.

  • Of new and interesting bloggers...  well of course when something interests me I have a tendency of doing detective work, so after the craziest Monday on record, I happen to stumble upon a live google chat with none other than Ms. Luvvie , thats @luvvie for you tweeps and her talk regarding her Blog *which she has been doing for the past 11 years!!!*** no that is not a typo , and she was just spilling herself on this chat, very interesting I thought. You can read her fab blogs here>  This woman was an inspiration to me, so of course I started digging more and there is a Blog convention coming to NYC in 2015. But of course it has to fall on the same week that I am planning on taking the family to Vegas *insert crying emoji here*
Oh just a side note>> on my first blog post I had mentioned Ms. Tanji Dewberry, she did not pass away aprox. a year ago , she passed this past April, but since I have been thinking about her and her young son and their legacy, it seems in my mind that it was a year. Not to mention , my son coming up to me : Mom just do this already!!!  Ok , Ok, no more excuses, procrastinations, and the sort.
My adventure in the realm of "IndieGogo" starts this week , and no its not a color.

Friday, October 31, 2014

The Gym Chronicles & ending on a spooky note...Happy Halloween!

So here we are October 31st folks, and Happy Halloween to all! Yeah that sounded more like X-mas. Anyway , let me just tell you how the week started, first reminding you that my weeks run Saturday through Friday with my post written on Friday (yes I will try my best)... here we go!

  • About the gym...   I usually do my strength training twice per wk on Tuesday & Fridays, but this week because of my crazy life , I woke up with a positive attitude that this Saturday training class would be a piece of cake , but when in doubt , I was prepared! I did not have breakfast (on purpose) , just a good cup of  Java to get my blood flowing. Of course I tweeted that I was heading to the gym, and predicted that for some reason , someone was going to barf or be on the verge of barfing. Oh boy did my predication come true! Ppl around me were dropping like flies, I felt like we were in Boot Camp, but the real Boot Camp like West Point drop and give me 20 kinda shit. One girl even asked for permission to puke, Denied!! as Suze Orman would say... I honestly don't know what made me get through this one hour class, actually I do know, its called endurance & stamina and strength. Even though the younger ones were weak, I mentally was repeating a mantra in my head "you will get through this" & somehow I did and without puking 
DIY.. so I've probably mentioned this in the past ... I hate DIY anything, and of course my son decided to be this Halloween a character THAT IS NOT EVEN IN PRODUCTION< seriously. So here we are running up and down Route 17 in NJ, actually for those of you living in NJ you know its more like crawling. We stopped by Petco, Michaels, Pet Goods, Bed , Bath & Beyond and back to Michaels. And I even had to stop by Univar , my vendor to pick up a hazmat suit. Yes you read it here first, and this is not to be safe from Ebola. So as I type this at 2pm , we have to put this entire thing together for his trick o treating time. This is BA-NA-NAS.
So you guys, since I'm new at this blogging thing, I don't want to seem like I am doing a weekly rant. I want you to come out of this with knowledge but most of all laughter. Because bottom line my sense of sarcastic humor is what makes me sane to get through my week.
love y'all (yes was in Texas this year) 

Friday, October 24, 2014

So lets do this! ...

Woah, Plonk , Bloop !! as my #rhoa followers would agree this week has been a week of ...
  • Reflecting... Last Saturday, October 18th 2014, was a ying / yang day for me. For all of us here in our Ex-Terminator , Inc. world... why you may ask? Because it was 11 years to the day that our founder, my husband, William Blauvelt, passed suddenly. I was so wrapped up running my street fair , giving my 100% , all day from 8am till dusk, that I was caught up in a whirlwind. When the dust settled , Bill was on my mind , just like he was on my mind everyday and will always be on my mind. Wink- Bill you know this.
  •  Connecting...speaking of whilwinds, yesterday was the Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey (@shccnj) and of course I found out about this event on Twitter, yes a day before. I woke up that morning in a "cloudy" mood, meaning uggghh its raining , not a good day, jump in the shower, dont think about it, then bam! my soul said this to me: if you dont go , you are a failure! What? when , where , oh hell no! I accommodated my rats nest of a hair to the best of my ability, took a quick shower, and bam I was ready! Of course I get there bright and early (this is the chirpy mood inside me) then Oh , I just realized we are running in Spanish time. No hot Goya coffee yet, no empanadas, no nothing. PPL slowly started to set their table as in slow motion, well this latina did not miss a beat! I was running around w/ my umbrella, got the ummm so called Brownstone coffee and grabbed the first pens / highlighter, bags and guess what at the end of the day the merch was Umbrellas! ha . One of the messages that stood out for the "Latinas in Social Media" panel was what one of the panelists said: Continue moving forward,  Follow through, Make a plan!
  • Its here... Lets do this! WHAT ? well aprox. one year ago something I read something tragic on my TL , the sudden and tragic death of an author. But this wasnt any author. She was a single mom, living in NJ , author of a childrens book on ADHD. I had never heard of her before, but somehow , someway I was going to do something to honor her legacy. And since this week my 12 year old son has approached me with : "Mom can you do this already? you have been talking about this for almost a year". Insert surpised emoji here. Woah , I'm not talking . From now on I will be doing. Yes doing. The author was : Tanji Dewberry , her book:  Oh Fiddlesticks! My plan? 
To type for Tanji
To tweet for Tanji
To talk for Tanji
Thats right, but I will need funds to purchase typewriters, the big dry erase boards and start teaching / tutoring. Yep, we are learning to type old school  as in use your fingers typewriters. Its hard work and thats how I learned decades ago , if I could do it w/ my skinny fingers whining the whole time, so can you!
Anyway, I left the best part out for every 8 sessions that I manage to book, One book of Ms. Dewberry will be donated to a local library in her honor & we wont stop until we covered the entire State of NJ.
Wew, so who is with me...??
Stay tuned, I have to set my IndieGogo account to raise the mullah $$$