Friday, November 28, 2014

Of Thanksgiving including the giblets ....

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Yes I make my gravy w/ the giblets of course, yum yum  and today we have leftovers. So pow! Bam! what a week it has been, made sure to come to the office and write my blog , because yes I am loyal. So things that have really impacted me this week, dont even get me started with Ferguson , so sad.
On a much lighter note , my Queen Bea had a new video out 7/11 and everyone was buzzing about it, I did watch the video , did not understand or liked the song. But OMG when my boy friends Mitch & Scott from Superfruit made a You Tube video about this I was hooked!
And yes I probably watched it a gazillion times ( The Superfruit edition that is). Also , have done some deep PBS The West documentary watching from my man - Director Ken Burns, woah you must watch chapter 2 . The West is not a tiny docu of 2 hours , these are chapters that you have to watch , and yes with attentiveness . I just love the music Ken uses , the snippets of comments, the narration, ok everything. A story that really hit me was regarding a woman that wanted to convert the Cayuse indians to Christianity, I did more research and her name was Narcissa Whitman, of course I went to Amazon and have her journals from 1836-1847 on my wish list. She suffered a tragic death, so sad, but so brave. She started the Whitman mission along the Oregon trail, she was tragically massacred with others in 1847. The thing is that she had a baby daughter that drowned at the age of 2, years later she adopted 7 children from a family that was trying to reach Oregon . The parents of the 7 children had both perished and never made it . So Narcissa offered to adopt them. Unfortunately 3 children also died during the massacre.
Ok here is an excerpt from Amazon:" Narcissa took in many children in need of a home, including the seven Sager children made famous by the film "Seven Alone" (of course now I have to look this up  on Netflix). In 1847 Marcus (her husband) and Narcissa and several men & boys at the mission were massacred by a group of Indians who blamed them for a measles epidemic that took many lives. "
See? this is what I mean about Ken Burns , he goes deep with these stories and he intertwines them. So thats what I was up to these past days , I highly recommend any and all Americans or ppl of this great country to watch "The West" oh and btw yes it is on Netflix and it has a total of 9 episodes each one and hour and 1/2 . Omg, I cannot leave here without also recommending you guys read Unbroken before the premiere of the movie on X-mas day, yes I will be there. And also of American Sniper, I just bought the book "in Memorium" edition. Cool, cool, and also I think Bradley Cooper is playing the sniper dude Chris Kyle~~swoon. Insert emoji w/ cat face and heart eyes here.
Till next week my beloved friends xo

In memory of Marcus & Narcissa

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