Friday, January 22, 2016



Being a true Patersonian, lived there since I was 1 year old through grammar school.  I took my communion at St. Michaels Roman Catholic Church, and have great memories with the nuns, cause after all my mom would drop me off at crack of dawn to Sister Mary and they only spoke Italian (yes there was a large amount of Italians living in this city in the 60's and 70's) .  I enjoyed joining the nuns during their prep for breakfast, they would dine w/ gold plated silverware. And they would give me large and delicious crusty bread with butter. I would day dream and think that I would move there with them and live happily ever after...Don't ask me what happened after that. Anyway, when I got this announcement of Buildings of Paterson, I was jumping in excitement, not only am I passionate regarding architecture, but my childhood City too? Wow, I wasn't expecting this!
So here is a re-cap of my "notes" during Mr. Polton's presentation:
  • First Industrial complex was Rogers Locomotive work: several mills were built then leased to various firms: like Colt revolver
  • Paterson was always a City of immigrants 
  • In the 19th Century the City evolved into a major textile City: there was the Dolphin Mill/ Phoenix Mill and Union Mill a.k.a Rosen Mill : largest supplier to Woolworth
  • Hinchcliff Stadium was built in the 30's 
  • Woah, at the end of the Civil War the city's population was 60,000ppl
  • In the 1840's the Colt Mansion was built only to be demolished for a Federal Bldg. to take its place.
  • Did you know that there was a major fire that destroyed downtown in 1902 and that leveled the City?
  • However ,the Paterson Masonic Temple survived the fire - was built in 1900
  • Paterson was major in theatrical buildings too: Regent Theater built in 1914 closed in 1950
Ok so after this, my handwriting was all scribbles and I can't even read it, but there is hope! Mr. Polton is planning on taking us on a tour this Spring! So maybe he can decipher my handwriting (he-he) 
I'm so excited:
xo @latinbug_nj

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