Friday, March 13, 2015


I hate all these b!tches that can't be loyal-in my mind what Joan is thinking
So here we go again...My previous to last blog was exactly about Fashion Police and since it was in Spanish completely you probably needed Google translator or the like , unless you are fluent. In that case you are all caught up if not , let me update you. A few weeks ago I was all wrapped up in the frenzy that was #nyfw and of course all the Awards, Oscars and Golden Globes . So of course I proceeded to watch Fashion Police. Because as my hairstylist says "you are a fashionista" - who knew? awww flattering! Anyway, I was watching and live tweeting when Giuliana made the weed/patchouli comment ( I never now how to spell this). I really didn't think anything of it, in all sincerity there were worse things said in the past by Joan where my jaw literally fell to the floor and shook my head, and laughed sure. But to bring you up to speed it turns out Guliana made this comment of Zendaya and this is / was Kelly bff. So she(Kelly) resigned , or quit or was fired. Who cares. and who knows.
However, my question about integrity and this happened last nite folks , was and is with Kathy Griffin. You see when Joan passed she was there through all the interviews, crying and then honored and overwhelmed that she would take over E! Fashion Police as "The host" . I did tune in and Kathy was just OK, I thought Brad with his outrageous graphic suits and diva attitude took over. And Guliana and Kelly were just ok too.
Now you see Kathy via a long narrated tweet decided to quit . Yep ladies and gents just like that. I knew she was up to no good cause she was quiet and laid very low during the whole Kelly departure.
I've enclosed in this blog 2 pictures : one is of the book purchased prior to meeting Joan at my local bookstore. I also met Kathy (saw her live). Here is the difference: Joan never had to apologize, period.
When I met Joan , she came down those stairs in all her splendor and grace and what I noticed was how humble she was . How we were all applauding and she opened her arms and her mouth was wide open like she was in awe of us in awe of her. Also I highly recommend her podcast "In bed with Joan" you can also ck it out on You Tube.
Ok now about Kathy: Kathy is all about Kathy. That's all. She is all about the dollars and cents and don't let her fool you. It is all always will be about her. I mean seriously after 7 episodes you bail out?
Now I knew something was going to happen: because I had a dream 2 nights ago, that Joan was alive and that she was walking towards me and then she greeted us (me and the Fashion Police staff) and then she left and died again. Awkward. Yes that's how I felt when I woke up. And now this happened last nite. With this quitter , Quitting on us and Mel . Poor Mel (Joans daughter , that is probably still grieving, is still trying to replace air-head Kelly). She doesn't deserve this. My other theory and other bloggers also threw this out: is that they probably told Kathy that Khloe K was joining the team. I read somewhere that Mel and Kathy would have to pick and choose Kelly replacement, but that ultimately it would be the higher up at E! that would have the final say. Hmmm would Ryan Seacrest be in the higher up category. Because then its the Trashdashians all the way. Lets keep our fingers crossed that whoever it is knows about fashion and just doesn't twirl her hair or say Bloop! every 5 seconds. We need someone with integrity and that just wont quit!
Good times- xo Joan- we Love you

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